How To Write An Argumentative Essay

argumentative essay

Diving into the world of argumentative essays within the realm of nursing requires a profound understanding of the subject matter, a knack for persuasion, and the art of crafting an excellent essay. This task is not for the faint-hearted as it necessitates a deep understanding of nursing principles, a compelling knack for persuasion, and the mastery of crafting well-structured arguments.

An argumentative essay is a type of essay with a unique blend of facts and critical thinking, diverging from mere repetition of textbook information. In essence, it’s an intellectual expedition where you, as a writer, take a stance on a particular nursing-related issue, argue it assertively, and justify it with evidence drawn from research or relevant literature. The challenge is in persuading your readers not just to understand your viewpoint but also to accept it as valid or worthy of consideration.

So, if you’re ready to embark on this compelling journey of learning how to write a nursing argumentative essay, fasten your seat belts! We are about to delve into an exploration that will shape your writing skills, challenge your critical thinking, and equip you with a stronger voice within the nursing field.

What Is an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay, as the name hints, is a form of essay writing that centers around an argument or a position on a certain topic. However, it isn’t just about stating an opinion; it’s about constructing a well-rounded argument, furnished with solid evidence and logical reasoning. An argumentative essay not only demands deep exploration of a topic but also entails gathering data, evaluating evidence, and generating a detailed, persuasive conclusion on the issue at hand.

An argumentative essay often begins with choosing a debatable topic, followed by establishing your position on this topic. Next, it involves developing a coherent argument to support your position, all the while considering counter-arguments that could challenge your stance. The objective is to persuade your reader that your position on the issue is more logical, ethical, or reasonable than other perspectives.

But what does an argumentative essay mean in the realm of nursing? In nursing, argumentative essays can be powerful tools for discussing critical issues, advocating for changes, or debating varying perspectives within the profession. For instance, you could write nursing argumentative essay topics such as the impact of nurse-to-patient ratios on healthcare outcomes, the role of nurses in end-of-life decisions, or the ethical implications of mandatory vaccinations for healthcare workers.

Nursing argumentative essays demand not only a robust understanding of the nursing field but also the ability to make sound arguments supported by research. They require a delicate balance of nursing knowledge, research proficiency, and persuasive writing skills. Hence, learning how to write an argumentative essay in nursing is not only about enhancing your writing skills, but it’s also about honing your ability to think critically, assess evidence, and articulate your ideas effectively in the evolving landscape of healthcare.

Why Argumentative Essays in Nursing?

Why, indeed, should a profession so deeply rooted in practical skills and hands-on care require the ability to write argumentative essays? The answer lies in the critical nature of decision-making and advocacy within the field of nursing. Argumentative essays are an integral part of nursing education, and they serve a greater purpose than just meeting academic essays requirements.

In the healthcare ecosystem, nursing holds a pivotal role that stretches beyond administering medical care. It encompasses making vital decisions, formulating healthcare strategies, advocating for patients’ rights, and often, persuading others in the healthcare team to align with these decisions or strategies. Learning to write a compelling argumentative essay can help nursing students develop and refine these essential skills, preparing them for the rigors of their professional lives.

Argumentative essays in nursing serve as a testing ground for students to explore complex healthcare issues and express their viewpoints on them. They provide a platform for them to delve into controversial subjects, debate different perspectives, and make a case for their stance using evidence-based research. This experience mirrors many real-world scenarios in nursing, where practitioners need to advocate for their patients or for certain practices or policies within their healthcare institutions.

Additionally, these essays foster critical analysis skills, encouraging students to question existing practices, evaluate evidence, consider different perspectives, and make informed judgments. As healthcare is an ever-evolving field, being able to critically appraise information and make evidence-based decisions is a vital skill for any nurse.

Moreover, an argumentative essay must enhance communication skills. Nurses often have to communicate complex health issues to patients, their families, or the healthcare team. Having the ability to construct a logical and persuasive argument helps improve this communication, allowing nurses to explain their viewpoints more effectively and convince the readers.

Elements of a Good Argumentative Essay

Crafting a robust argumentative essay in nursing is akin to building a house. It requires several integral components or ‘building blocks’ that work in unison to deliver a compelling, evidence-based argument. Each element serves a unique purpose, contributing to the overall strength and persuasiveness of the essay. Let’s explore these critical elements:

  • Problem Statement: The problem statement is your starting point, the seed from which the rest of your argumentative essay grows. It succinctly presents the issue or question that your essay aims to address. A good problem statement is clear, focused, and debatable, giving room for exploration and argument. In the context of nursing, it could relate to a clinical problem, a policy issue, or an ethical dilemma, to name a few.
  • Literature Review: The literature review is where you ‘set the stage’ for your argument. You present what is currently known about the issue, summarizing relevant research findings, theories, or debates. In doing so, you provide context to your problem and identify gaps in existing knowledge or viewpoints, which your essay aims to fill.
  • Research Focus: The research focus is your ‘game plan’ for tackling the problem. Here, you define your position on the issue and the main arguments you will make to support your stance. This part of the essay is crucial as it sets the direction of your argument and guides the organization of your essay.
  • Method and Methodology: The method and methodology section outlines how you gathered and analyzed the evidence to support your arguments. This could involve detailing the research design, data collection and analysis techniques, and ethical considerations. The aim is to provide a clear, transparent account of your research process, allowing readers to evaluate the credibility of your findings.
  • Results/Evidence: The results or evidence section is the ‘meat’ of your argumentative essay. Here, you present the evidence you have gathered, be it from your research or from existing literature. You aim to convincingly link this evidence to your arguments, showing how it supports your position. Remember, quality trumps quantity; it’s not about the amount of evidence you present, but how relevant and compelling it is.
  • Discussion and Conclusion: The discussion and conclusion is your ‘final act’, where you tie together your arguments and evidence, evaluate their implications, and state your final position on the issue. You may also suggest further research directions, discuss practical implications, or comment on the broader relevance of your findings. This section leaves your reader with a lasting impression, so ensure it is impactful and thought-provoking.

Understanding these elements of an argumentative essay is the first step in learning how to write a nursing argumentative essay. Each component is crucial in its own right, contributing to the overall coherence, depth, and persuasiveness of your essay. By skillfully weaving together these elements, you can craft an argumentative essay that is not only academically sound but also impactful within the nursing field.

Examples of Argumentative Essay Prompts

Choosing a topic for an argumentative essay in nursing is a crucial initial step. Often, your topic or prompt will come in the form of a question that requires you to take a position and construct an argument around it. Broadly speaking, there are two types of prompts you might encounter: Two-sided questions and Open-ended questions. Let’s delve into each and explore some examples:

Two-sided Question: These types of prompts present both sides of an argument, thereby asking you to take a stance and provide a well-structured argument to justify your position. Your response should explore both sides of the issue but ultimately align more strongly with one side, all backed by evidence-based research. Here are some examples:

  • Should nurses have the authority to prescribe medication independently? Here, you could argue for the expertise and autonomy of nurses, or you could discuss the importance of collaboration and medical oversight in prescribing medications.
  • Does technology improve patient care in nursing? This question gives room to explore how technology advancements impact patient care. You could discuss how technology enhances efficiency and precision or, conversely, argue that it may create a disconnect in patient-nurse relationships.

Open-ended Question: On the other hand, open-ended questions are more explorative and provide more freedom in forming an argument. These prompts ask you to delve into a topic based on personal beliefs or professional understanding, backed up by thorough research. Here are a couple of examples:

  • How has the Covid-19 pandemic impacted the role of nurses in healthcare? This question offers much scope for argument. You could focus on increased workloads, mental health challenges, or the evolving responsibilities of nurses during the pandemic.
  • What are the ethical implications of mandatory vaccinations for nurses? This prompt leaves room to discuss personal rights, professional responsibility, public health, and a myriad of other ethical considerations surrounding mandatory vaccinations.

Remember, argumentative writing in nursing is not about right or wrong answers. It’s about taking a stance, crafting a compelling argument around it, and supporting this argument with evidence and logical reasoning.

How To Outline an Argumentative Essay in 4 Steps (Argumentative Essay Structure)

Writing a good argumentative essay with descriptions and examples can be challenging, especially in a complex field like nursing. However, breaking it down into a clear, structured outline can make the process significantly more manageable. The four key steps in creating an outlinec for your argumentative essay are crafting the introductory paragraph, forming a solid claim or thesis statement, developing coherent body paragraphs, and concluding with a punch. Let’s walk through each of these steps:

Introductory Paragraph

Just as a first impression is pivotal, the introductory paragraph sets the tone for your entire essay. It should grab the reader’s attention, provide some background on the topic, and give a glimpse of the argument that is to unfold. In the context of nursing, you might include relevant statistics, a brief overview of the current situation, or a compelling anecdote that highlights the importance of the issue at hand.

Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement is the heart of your argumentative essay. It succinctly presents your main argument or stance on the issue, serving as a roadmap for your essay. A strong thesis statement is clear, focused, and arguable. It should not merely state a fact but make a claim that requires supporting evidence. For instance, if your argument essay revolves around the role of technology in nursing, your thesis statement might be, “While technology can enhance efficiency in nursing, it should be used judiciously to maintain the human touch in patient care.”

Body Paragraphs

The body of your essay is where you present your arguments and evidence, and building a convincing case to support the thesis. Each paragraph (including essay with five paragraphs) should focus on a single point or argument, providing relevant evidence and explaining how it supports your thesis. Ensure that your arguments flow logically, making it easy for the reader to follow your line of thought. Don’t shy away from addressing counterarguments, too. Recognizing differing viewpoints and refuting them strengthens your argument and shows a thorough understanding of the topic.


The concluding paragraph is your chance to leave a lasting impression. It should summarize your main arguments, restate your thesis in light of the evidence discussed, and perhaps offer some thoughts on implications or future directions. Avoid introducing new arguments in your conclusion; instead, focus on reinforcing your thesis and leaving the reader with something to think about.

How to Write a Good Thesis Statement in 3 Steps

The thesis statement serves as the anchor of your argumentative essay, offering a succinct summary of your central argument. It’s crucial to ensure that your thesis statement is clear, concise, and compelling, as it guides your reader through the rest of your essay. Here are three practical steps to help you craft a robust thesis statement:

Step 1: Turn the Topic into a Question and Answer It

By transforming your topic into a question, you can clearly define the problem you’re addressing and devise an answer that forms the basis of your argument. For example, if your topic is “The Role of Nurses in Pain Management,” your question could be, “What is the crucial role of nurses in managing patient pain?” Your answer to this question, supported by your research and analysis, becomes your thesis statement.

Step 2: State an Argument—And Then Refute It

This approach is particularly useful when dealing with contentious or highly debated issues. Present a common argument related to your topic and then refute it with your perspective, drawing on a piece of evidence to support your stance. For example, if there’s a common perception that “nurses’ primary role is to follow doctors’ instructions,” you might counter this by arguing that “nurses play a vital, independent role in patient care and advocacy, going beyond merely following doctors’ instructions.”

Step 3: Briefly Outline Your Main Points

While your thesis statement should be concise, it should also give a quick preview of the main points you’ll cover in your essay to support your argument. This step ensures your thesis statement aligns with the body of your essay. For instance, your thesis statement could be “Nurses play a vital role in patient care through direct care, patient advocacy, and healthcare coordination.”

5 Types of Argument Claims

Claims in argumentative essays are essentially the arguments you put forth to uphold your viewpoint. They’re the stepping stones that guide your reader to your conclusion. In the world of argumentative essays, claims often fall into one of five categories: fact, definition, value, cause and effect, or policy. Each type contributes a different dynamic to your essay, offering a unique lens through which your reader can understand your perspective. Here’s a closer look at each:

  • Fact: Fact claims argue about what is true or not. They hinge on data, verifiable information, and typically require you to delve into extensive research. In the realm of nursing, a fact claim might be, “Inadequate nurse-to-patient ratios lead to higher levels of patient dissatisfaction.”
  • Definition: Definition claims involve debating the meaning of terms, concepts, or classifications. They ask the question, “What is it?” For example, you might argue about what constitutes ‘ethical practice’ in nursing, particularly when dealing with ambiguous situations.
  • Value: Value claims delve into issues of morality, ethics, aesthetics, or worth. They involve judgments, appraisal, and subjective viewpoints, often asking, “What is its value?” or “Is it right or wrong?” In nursing, you might argue for the intrinsic value of empathetic patient care beyond its clinical outcomes.
  • Cause and Effect: Cause and effect claims argue that one event or situation (the cause) brings about another (the effect). These often involve an analysis of relationships and sequences, asking, “What caused it?” or “What are its effects?” A cause and effect claim in a nursing essay could be, “Implementation of electronic health records has led to improved patient care.”
  • Policy: Lastly, policy claims advocate for changes in rules, procedures, or behaviors. They typically answer the question, “What should we do?” In a nursing essay, a policy claim could argue for the need to revise the guidelines concerning patient privacy.

Understanding these types of argument claims will not only make your argumentative essay more nuanced and compelling but also allow you to explore your topic from a variety of angles. It’s like having a toolbox; knowing when to use each tool can make the construction process (or in this case, the essay writing process) much smoother and more effective.

3 Main Types of Arguments and How to Use Them

The art of crafting a compelling argument in an essay is akin to a chess game; the strategy you choose can significantly impact your success. Broadly speaking, there are three main types of arguments you can employ when writing your nursing argumentative essay: Classical, Rogerian, and Toulmin. Each strategy carries its strengths and can be most effective when used in the right context.


Stemming from ancient Greek philosophy, the Classical argument style is likely what you think of when you imagine an argument. It follows a linear structure: introduction, background/context, main argument, counter-argument, rebuttal, and conclusion. This approach is assertive and direct, ideally suited when you believe your argument is very strong and want to persuade your reader to your side.

For example, if you were to argue that “Preventative care methods are more effective than curative,” your essay would present the claim first, follow it up with evidence from reliable sources, and discuss the potential implications of adopting preventive methods over curative in the healthcare industry.


The Rogerian argument, named after psychologist Carl Rogers, emphasizes understanding and acknowledging opposing views before stating your argument. This style is perfect for sensitive or highly divisive topics, where your goal is not to ‘win’ the argument but to promote mutual understanding and consensus. It encourages collaboration, compromise, and respects differing perspectives, making it an excellent strategy in the cooperative world of healthcare.

For instance, if you are arguing about “The ethical implications of patient privacy versus public health in a pandemic,” the Rogerian style would first acknowledge the valid concerns of those who prioritize public health and then present the viewpoint of maintaining patient privacy, eventually finding a middle ground that respects both viewpoints.


Developed by British philosopher Stephen Toulmin, this argument style is analytical and focuses on the interplay of claims, evidence, and warrants (the logical bridges that connect your evidence to your claims). The Toulmin argument method excels in complex, scientific, or controversial contexts where a straightforward claim might not be enough to persuade the reader. It allows for a nuanced exploration of the topic, which is critical in the multifaceted world of nursing.

If your essay is about “The effectiveness of telemedicine during the pandemic,” you’d state your claim (telemedicine was effective), present evidence (statistical data, patient feedback), and then your warrant (how this evidence supports your claim), creating a comprehensive, logical argument.

How to Write an Argumentative Essay with Steps

Creating an engaging and persuasive essay with arguments is like piecing together a complex puzzle, each step leading you closer to the final picture. From initial research to the final edits, every stage of the process contributes to a compelling, well-argued, and comprehensive essay. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to write an argumentative essay:

Choose Your Research Sources for Your Argumentative Essay

The foundation of any great argumentative essay lies in thorough, credible research. Seek out a range of sources – books, peer-reviewed articles, reputable online sources – to ensure a well-rounded understanding of your topic. The rule of thumb here is quality over quantity. Credible, well-respected sources strengthen your argument and lend credibility to your essay.

Consider the Argumentative Essay Outline

Before you start writing, create an outline. An essay outline is your roadmap, guiding you through the journey of your essay. It helps to organize your thoughts, ensures a logical flow of ideas, and keeps your argument focused. Include an introduction (with your thesis statement), body paragraphs (with your main arguments and supporting evidence), and a conclusion (that ties everything together and reinforces a clear thesis).

Add Transitions within Argumentative Essay Paragraphs

Transitions are the glue that holds your essay together. They guide your reader from one point to the next, ensuring your argument flows smoothly and cohesively. Transitions can be as simple as words like ‘however’, ‘in addition’, ‘on the other hand’, or can be more complex phrases that link ideas between sentences and paragraphs.

Add Bibliography to Your Argumentative Essay

Citing your sources is an absolute must. Not only does it credit the original authors, but it also adds legitimacy to your argument and enables your readers to follow up on your research. Ensure you adhere to the appropriate citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) as instructed by your institution or professor.

Revise Your Final Argumentative Essay

The first draft is just that – a draft. The real magic comes with revision. In this step, you refine your arguments, fix grammatical errors, ensure your citations are correct, and polish your language and style. Reading your essay out loud or having someone else review it can also shed light on any areas of confusion or awkward phrasing.

Walking through these steps will ensure your argumentative essay is convincing, well-structured, and a pleasure to read. 

Final Thoughts on Argumentative Writing

Writing a nursing argumentative essay is a valuable skill that can help you in your academic and professional career. By understanding the structure of an argumentative essay, choosing a relevant topic, crafting compelling arguments, and revising meticulously, you can produce a powerful essay that stands out. So why wait? Get started on your nursing argumentative essay today! Remember, the key to an excellent argumentative essay lies not only in a strong argument but also in the care and precision with which you present it. Happy writing!

What Next?

If you need assistance with your nursing assignments, including reflective essays,don’t let the pressure of crafting the perfect argumentative essay weigh you. Allow our experts to guide you through this crucial step, turning the daunting task into a seamless process that paves the way for an essay with arguments you can take pride in. Ready to take the leap? Place your order, and let’s start crafting your standout argumentative essay today.

FAQs about Writing a Nursing Argumentative Essay

How do you start an argumentative essay?

Starting an argumentative essay requires a strong introduction that hooks the reader’s interest. Begin by providing some background information about the topic, followed by a brief outline of the different perspectives on the issue. Then, finish the introduction with a thesis statement that clearly expresses your position on the topic.

What are the 3 parts of an argumentative essay?

An argumentative essay is divided into three parts:

  • Introduction: This section introduces the topic, gives background information, and includes the thesis statement, which explicitly states your position.
  • Body: The body paragraphs contain your arguments. Each paragraph should focus on a single claim and should include evidence to support that claim.
  • Conclusion: This section restates the thesis statement, summarizes the main arguments, and offers a closing statement that indicates the essay has come to an end.

What should you avoid when writing an argumentative essay?

When writing an argumentative essay, avoid presenting weak or unfounded arguments. Steer clear of logical fallacies and make sure all your claims are backed by solid evidence. Don’t introduce new points in the conclusion and avoid using biased or emotional language that detracts from your argument.

Can you start an argumentative essay with a question?

Yes, you can start an argumentative essay with a question. It’s a good strategy to engage the readers and provoke thought. However, make sure that the question is relevant to your topic and that you answer it or address it in your essay.

Can you end an argumentative essay with a question?

While it’s not common, ending an argumentative essay with a question can be effective in certain contexts. The concluding question should challenge the readers to think critically about the topic or invite them to further explore the issue. However, it’s important to ensure that all your main arguments have been concluded before posing this final question.

What’s the difference between an expository essay and an argumentative essay?

While both expository and argumentative essays present a topic in detail, their purposes are different. An expository essay aims to inform or explain a topic in a balanced, unbiased way, while an argumentative essay’s purpose is to persuade the reader to accept the writer’s point of view, using evidence and arguments to support their position.

When do I need to cite sources?

You need to cite sources whenever you use information, ideas, or data that are not your own. This includes direct quotations, paraphrased information, or even an idea that someone else has already expressed. Citing sources is crucial to maintain academic integrity and avoid plagiarism.

When do I write an argumentative essay?

You write an argumentative essay when you aim to persuade your readers to accept your viewpoint on a controversial issue. This is often assigned in academic contexts, like coursework, exams, or research projects, but it may also be used in other professional domains where persuasive essay writing is key.

What is a good thesis statement for a nursing argumentative essay?

A good thesis statement is clear, concise, and takes a stand. For example, “This essay argues that nurse-led clinics are a cost-effective solution for improving healthcare access in rural areas.”

How can I make my nursing argumentative essay more persuasive?

To make your essay more persuasive, provide strong evidence, use logical reasoning, and address potential counterarguments.

Is it okay to use personal experience in a nursing argumentative essay?

While personal experience can add depth to your essay, it should not replace scholarly evidence. Always back up personal statements and anecdotes with research findings.

Can I use first-person pronouns in my nursing argumentative essay?

Some professors allow the use of first-person pronouns in argumentative essays, while others prefer a more formal tone. Always check your assignment instructions or ask your professor.

How long should my nursing argumentative essay be?

The length of your essay will depend on your assignment instructions. However, most argumentative essays are between 500 and 2000 words.

Can I include diagrams or charts in my nursing argumentative essay?

Yes, diagrams and charts can be a great way to present complex information. Just be sure to reference them properly!

Need Help Crafting a Stellar Nursing Argumentative Essay?

Writing an argumentative essay can be a challenging task, especially in the complex field of nursing. It requires critical thinking, meticulous research, and exceptional writing skills. But what if you’re short on time or feel overwhelmed by the task at hand? What if you could have a professional take care of it for you?

That’s where we come in. We provide argumentative essay writing services done by experts with an in-depth understanding of nursing topics, who can craft an essay that not only meets your requirements but also exceeds expectations.

Don’t let the stress of creating the perfect argumentative essay keep you from achieving your academic goals. You’re just a click away from securing an impressive argumentative essay that can make a difference. Let us take the wheel!

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